How to Train Your Dragon Fanon Wiki


Toksickers are small dragons appearing in some episodes in Dragons: riders of Berk and Dragons: defenders of Berk. They also appear in Racing for the Gold: Snowboarding.


They are Changewing sized and look like raptors. They live in packs and the leader is a big female. They have very short wings on their backs and can't fly. They have feathers that are hard. They use their long claws to dig. The yellow feathers maybe are gold.                                                                                                          




They can run faster than a Speed Stinger. They can blast toxins. Their toxins are the hottest thing that vikings know other than the fireworms. They also can't fly.

In "Gem of a different color"[]

While Hiccup, Astrid and Fishlegs were flying to bring back the Changewing eggs they saw that something was following them on the ground. Then a toksicker jumped and almost cought Stormfly's leg. Then it fell and sprained its leg. All the others stoped and surrounded it. Then Hiccup said:

- Those were toksickers! It is written in the book that they are extremely dangerous! Fishlegs! Bring the egg back faster!

In "We are a family part I"[]

Hiccup sees a pack of them in a cage on the Outcast island.

In "Live and let fly"[]

When Tuffnut shouted to the changewings a group of them nearby heard that and joined the changewings in the chase and stoped when the dragons flew above the sea.

In "Free Scauldy"[]

They were with the changewings in the first attack and together with them found out that Scauldy and the others were away.

In Racing for the Gold: Snowboarding[]

A pack of them along with the Deadly Nadder, Groncles, Terrible Terrors and Monstrous Nightmares were chasing Hiccup, but ofcourse they didn't appear when the dragons cought him.

Notable Toksickers[]

A group of them (see "A gem of a different color")

Trapped toksickers (see "We are a family - I")

Wild toksickers (see "Live and let fly")

A pack (see "Free Scauldy")

Another pack of three (see Racing for the Gold: Snowboarding)                       


  • They are the only dragons who can blast toxins
  • They are the only dragons (along with the Speed Stingers) that can't fly
  • The trapped pack doesn't appear in "We are a family - II" unlike the other trapped dragons
  • So far they always appear as antagonists

